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电话: 0769-88186815
姓名: Henry He

  Top Model Technology Co.,Ltd is locate at Dongguan city China, with experienced engineers and craftspeople to develop high quality products continuously. Top Model Technology Co.,Ltd has been involved in research and development as well as manufacturing full composite R/C scale Warbirds, Jets, Pattern F3A & Boats sincerely many years ago, Until early 2014, we feel it is time to have our own brand Toprcmodel. All our current products are made of high quality full composite and painted, our models are ARF and more than 95% completely in factory, customers just need a little time to have them into the sky or water. Each our products must be passed strict QC before the products release to the ma...

主要产品/业务: Manufacturing and sell full composite R/C scale Warbirds, Jets, Pattern F3A & Boats

东莞市拓普模型科技有限公司 / 广东 / Xixiang#6,JiaoLi, Zhongtang,Dongguan city ( ) / 电话:0769-88186815


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